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Graphs and Data


This graph illustrates the National Football League’s annual revenue since 2001. The league has shown consistent growth which has made it the most profitable sports organization. NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell plans for the league to reach $25 billion in revenues by 2027. If business continues to thrive this goal is entirely feasible.

The NFL’s G-4 loan program hinges directly on the annual revenues of the organization of these revenues. The most recent Collective Bargaining Agreement states that the league can use 1.5% of revenue to fund the program. For this graph, we multiplied the revenues earned in every year by 1.5% in order to figure out how much funding would be available each year to build and renovate team stadiums. Because revenues have increased every year, the amount of funding available each year has increased. This bodes well for the National Football League. If this trend continues, the league will be able to help fund more teams. This may also help decrease the amount of tax payer dollars that go into financing stadiums. 

This graph shows a comparison of the revenues of the NFL, the National Basketball Association and Major League Baseball. The NFL is growing and earning the most revenue, followed by Major League Baseball and then the National Basketball League. It is interesting to note that the NFL is the only organization of the three that is considered tax-exempt. This may give them an advantage in regards to revenue, however they would most likely still be considered the leading sports organization in the country.

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